Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Still no Toesies pickchurs.  I guess mom haz been too busy tryin' to make ends meet.  What ends?  Ends of ham?  Nope--no haz any.  Ends of toona?  noes ... none of dat, either dis week.  Meowf!  We no unnerstands what she means by dat... hoomans iz furry strange, an dey say furry strange fings.

Fur example, now she wants ta know how duz you "spell" dat gargling kinda sound in da middle of sum of our 'meows.'  What iz gargling? 

Mew!  Well. we promises to werk on her fur sum toesies pickchurs...but in da meantime, she wants to pass on anodder fanks you to all da wonnerful beans an der kittehs and woofies who is continuin to make donashuns.  It iz all helping to get much closer to da amownt dey needed to get da back bills paid, an dey appurrciates effuryone furry, furry much.

S...Jigsaw Puzzle ...  (an now, Munchkin wants to haff a word)...


I feels so furry bad.  I wuz playin wif mom today, an I wuz jus tryin to help her comb her hair an I acksadentally scritched her face.  I iz furry sorry, mom, and I didn't mean to scritch you in da face.  :::  Puts up paws an hides little face. :::

S... Munchkin


The Island Cats said...

Aw, Munchkin...we know you didn't mean it...and we're sure your mom forgives you....

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Munchkin, you are too bootiful to ever do anything bad. I know your mummy will forgive you.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I think your Mom knows that you didn't mean to scratch her!

Karen Jo said...

I think your Mom may be just a bit too frazzled right now for toesie pics, but give her a little time. Munchkin, I am sure that your Mom knows that you didn't mean to scratch her face. It happens sometimes.

meowmeowmans said...

Munchkin, it was an accident, so I'm sure your mommy forgives you. We're purring and praying for you all.

Jacqueline said...

Our Mommy always tells us that everyone has accidents and she forgives us and loves us no matter what...Don't worry, Munchkin,your Mommy will do the same thing...purrs...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Anonymous said...

You didn't mean to scratch Mom! We have put a notice on our Facebook about helping you guys out. Still sending good vibes to get your bills paid!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Munchkin, don't worry, we all know that it was not a mean scratch or anything like that - we are sure your mom knows it too! I have scratches from my kitties that are old (scars now) and honestly I treasure them because they remind me of my babies. A few scratches aren't a big deal to a cat mom!

And we are still sending you all lots of purrs and prayers - we know times are tough for everyone but we also know that some are having it tougher then others. We hope things get better for you very soon!