Sunday, June 26, 2011

Keep Kitty Safe

Mom haz written a post on her bloggie abowt keeping us kittehs safe, and also keepin' da wildlifes safes frum us expurrt hunters.. You can check it owt heer: Mom's Blog .
We thot it wuz furry impawtent so we iz posting dat linky as our bloggie post fur today, so you kin shares it wif effurryones you knows who needs dis infurmashun.
It haz a linky to a bideo dat iz abowt an hour long by da Nashunlul Geograficks Society...and parts of it iz purrty hards to watch, and mom got sum leaky eyes an also gots mads...but she sez dat iz good, iz wot peeps needs to see.

Fanks you furry much.

Sined, Tigger and Munchkin


meowmeowmans said...

That was a really good post, kittehs! That NatGeo video is tough to watch at times, but it raises some really good points. Oh, and our kittehs are strictly indoor-dwellers. :)

Anonymous said...

Okay Kitts git on that mom of yours 'cuz we've burned through the old posts and are jonesing fur more. We're desperate for a fix and are willing to send green papers and even treats!

Your bloggie is genius!

Head butts,
Henry Hobson, Chloe de Chanel, Mr. Peabody, Thomas Bentley, and their mother
Central Coast Oregon