Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Mom haz brot MONSKERS into da howse!!  Howdya like dat??!!  And heer I thot I wuz her fafurrite Tigger, and along comes dese liddle monskers!


Lil' Miss Fuzz

Mr. Tabbs

As if dis wuzn't bads enuf, she haz da nerve to gives dem names!!  She sez is only fur a liddle while, till dey finds furreffur homes, but Dad is actin' like he wants US to be da furreffuur home fur Miss Fuzzy Butt! 
I iz goin' on strike!! I iz not gonna play wif mom anymore--she is a traitor!  Munchkin agrees wif me.  We iz boff goin' on strike, and we gives dem liddle monskers a piece of our mind if dey gits too close to our purrrsonal space!

Signed, Tigger


Hannah and Lucy said...

What cute kittens - purrhaps you could adopt them all!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

be careful. If you go on strike they might forget how much lovin you can give them and look for it elsewhere (aka Lil' Miss Fuzzy Butt) and you might just find yourself with a new roommate. Better to overwhelm them with love and remind them how much work TWO kitties.. :) (two.. ha ha ha.. says the woman with seven)

meowmeowmans said...

Uh oh ... those are some mighty cute monskers!