Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Flower Kittens First Video 10-2-17

Greetings, kitten aficionados!

This post is short; I'll let the video speak for itself.  All four of the dear little flower babies had fun running around this evening.

  Last night, I had the  opportunity to follow some of their darling antics as they raced around the studio where they are currently housed.  Too funny, they were!

   Petunia and Tulip seem to have a great deal of fun wrestling with each other, as well as taking the occasional swipe at Chrys or Pansy as they happen to stroll by.

   Pansy spent some time watching the activity from up on a chair, while Chrys came down with a case of the 'kitty crazies,' and I could not pan the camera fast enough to keep up with him!

This video was shot on 10-2, but Blogger was having an issue, and wouldn't let me edit or publish the draft post, so I had to start again.

Update for 10-3-17:  Their weights are up by a few ounces each, with Petunia and Chrys outweighing their siblings by 2 or 3 ounces each!  For tiny kittens such as these, who were behind the curve for their age, every ounce counts!

Without further ado, then, here is their video, as seen on YouTube.

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